Where the Bright magics bring many benefits to mortals, perfecting their capacities in body and mind, the Dark magics have brought sickness, death, fierce passions of rage and of fear, and the raising of malevolent beings from the flesh or souls of the dead. In proper ceremony and ritual, Bright and Dark magic have been known to be brought into the worlds by the priests of the gods, so in observance of the gods might their servants be strengthened.
The gods are jealous, and pact with the Bright Gods necessarily precludes pact with the Dark Gods and the reverse. Although the magics exist in the worlds and may be invoked through proper knowledge, any wizard capable of an act of Bright or Dark magic must have prepared their mind, their body, and their spirit by binding pact with the gods.
The Bright and Dark magics are not of the worlds themselves, but rather are introduced by the acts of the gods. Sometimes it is spoken of 'Gray' magic as well, but the Gray magic is not truly a type of its own, but rather certain acts of magic that can be done by multiple paths and replicated by any wielder of sufficient power. These magics are the Bright magics, the Dark magics, and the magics of Nature, Sorcery, and Chaos. In the worlds, lore speaks of five magics which together make every known act that has been done by magical power. Part 38: Regarding the Five Magics Regarding the Five Magics of the Worlds