Claimant mount and blade

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In my personal opinion, Lethwin would make a fine administrator, and this could all be resolved peacefully via a split of power where Lethwin would help administrate, and Ragnar would lead the military. Why, you ask? Because he's never been tested, whereas Ragnar has. Ragnar states that despite Lethwin being smart beyond his years, and incredibly well traveled, he cannot lead an army.

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Lethwin's issue comes up in that he was studying in a far off land during the death of the previous King, his father, Hakrim. Many claims, regardless of legitimacy can easily be deconstructed when someone points a sword or an axe at you, much less a military. The biggest concern regarding legitimacy to the Nordfolk is the military strength of their leaders.

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For the most part, their struggle is based around timing and strength. Their King is Ragnar, and their Claimant is Lethwin Far-Seeker. Ah, an excellent question, let me give the.